Creative Services Limited

Effective Methods for Fundraising from Individuals

Md. Humayun Kabir

There are several effective methods for fundraising from individuals, each catering to different demographics, interests, and giving capacities. Here are some key strategies:


Organizing events is a popular way to raise funds and support for a cause, with many organizations choosing to host events as their first fundraising initiative due to the endless possibilities for success. Evaluating the resources invested against the expected gains is crucial to ensure a well-organized and profitable event. Opting for recurring events, like annual walkathons or charity dinners, can help organizers gain experience and increase public awareness over time.

Before planning an event, it is important to adhere to local regulations, establish strong network and media relations for sponsorships and publicity, and conduct a cost-benefit analysis to assess potential gains and risks. Having a risk mitigation plan in place and a dedicated event coordination team are also key components for success.

However, there are risks involved, including strain on human resources, unexpected changes in plans, and the potential for financial losses if fundraising goals are not met. External factors such as unfavorable weather conditions can also impact event outcomes, leading to potential negative publicity in case of failure.

To ensure success, organizations must engage in careful planning, establish strong partnerships, and understand potential risks. By considering these factors and implementing strategies to address challenges, organizations can maximize the impact of their events and achieve fundraising goals.

Personal Solicitation

Meeting potential individual donors in person is a highly effective way to secure support and funding, as personal contact carries more weight than any other form of communication. However, personal solicitation can be time-consuming, requiring patience to build trust before making a funding request.

Some examples of personal solicitation methods include inviting donors to visit your organization or meeting them at their homes, as well as presenting a case with direct follow-up at a meeting. Preconditions for successful personal solicitation include identifying potential donors with an interest in your cause and having individuals with strong social skills who can effectively convey your organization’s mission and make funding requests.

To succeed in personal solicitation, you need a well-planned approach, attractive proposition, clear messaging, and motivated speakers. Visual materials and donor testimonies can also enhance your presentation. It is important to follow up with donors and provide feedback to those who have shared their network contacts.

While personal solicitation carries manageable risks due to its small scale, issues can arise if relationships developed through organizational networks are not properly managed. Overall, personal solicitation is a valuable tool for securing support and funding, but requires careful planning and execution to be successful.

Network for fundraising

Fundraising, also known as friend raising, involves organizations reaching out to new donors through existing networks and contacts. This method relies on connectors, individuals with wide circles of contacts and strong community respect, as well as existing donors, staff, and board members to bring in new supporters. People are more likely to donate when asked by someone they know and trust.

Network fundraising utilizes various channels such as social media, email, and in-person interactions. NGOs can engage in friend raising locally and globally by reaching out to well-wishers, former members, parents, and communities. By targeting non-resident Bangladeshis in countries like the UK, USA, and Australia, NGOs can expand their supporter network.

To support friend raising efforts, NGOs can create customized friendship packages including personalized letters, information about the organization, and dedicated webpages. Designated focal persons in each country can help facilitate these efforts, leading to increased funding from individual donors and their networks.

Examples of friend raising activities include email campaigns, inviting donors to events, and engaging staff members to forward information to their contacts. It is crucial for organizations to have support and confidence in this approach from their board, management, and staff, with clear communication materials and a defined strategy for successful campaigns. Overall, friend raising is a strategic approach that leverages existing relationships to expand an organization’s network of supporters and increase funding opportunities.

Online Fundraising

Over the past decade, online fundraising has seen a significant rise, with varying levels of internet access across different regions. The global landscape is rapidly evolving due to technological advances, presenting opportunities for fundraising through online platforms like Just Giving, mobile phones, and social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The benefits of e-giving include speed, flexibility, low costs, wide reach, and online support. Often, online fundraising is complemented by offline events for enhanced engagement.

Examples of online fundraising methods include crowdfunding through social media and networks. Infrastructure and safe online payment options are prerequisites for successful online campaigns. Necessary internal conditions include expertise in developing and executing online campaigns, an established donor base, and relevant computer software. Key components for effective online fundraising include a strong campaign idea, a team of digital savvy individuals, donor contact information, and engaging communication materials.

Risks associated with online fundraising include the threat of viruses and hackers, emphasizing the need for robust cybersecurity measures. It is essential to invest in secure software and systems to safeguard organizational and donor data.

Volunteer Engagement

Volunteers are valuable in organizations, offering time and expertise at a lower cost than hiring staff. They can assist with office tasks, fundraising, and program implementation. However, there are some expenses involved, such as supervision and travel compensation.

Examples of volunteer roles include organizing events, seeking donations, promoting causes, providing legal advice, offering consultancy, setting up financial systems, teaching skills, and counseling beneficiaries.

Preconditions for using volunteers internally include available staff to manage and supervise them. Necessary steps include defining tasks, identifying suitable activities, planning outreach and management strategies, setting clear expectations, briefing volunteers, and recognizing their efforts.

Risks associated with volunteer involvement include potential harm to vulnerable groups if not screened properly, and volunteers failing to fulfill their commitments, leading to delays or subpar results. It is crucial to carefully select and monitor volunteers to ensure successful outcomes for both the organization and its beneficiaries.

Donation in kinds

Support in kind, apart from monetary donations, can be an effective way to gather resources for an organization. Many individuals and companies prefer to contribute goods rather than money. Various examples include a neighbor donating rice, a Rotary Club collecting clothes, students providing school supplies, a computer company donating computers for lessons, a local shopkeeper offering snacks, and a company providing space for meetings. To make this support successful, there needs to be staff and volunteers capable of organizing it and a clear transparency statement regarding the use of donations. A list of needed supplies, a plan on how to approach donors, and logistics for distributing the goods are essential.

When it comes to engaging young people and schools in fundraising efforts, the primary goal should be to make them understand the organization’s work. Children may not have money but can dedicate time and tap into family support. Activities like sponsor runs, musical performances, waste material recycling, and distributing event invitations in the neighborhood can involve youth in fundraising. Pre-conditions include proximity to schools and having an appealing cause for children.

Requirements include innovative ideas to engage children, good school connections, volunteers to work with schools, and attractive informational material. However, there is a risk of investing too much time for low outcomes. Overall, involving young people and schools in fundraising can create a strong foundation for future support and enhance understanding of the organization’s mission.

Best practices include knowing your audience, storytelling, transparency, thanking donors, and leveraging technology. By combining these methods, you can maximize reach and effectiveness in fundraising from individual donors.

The article was written by Md. Humayun Kabir, an Independent Consultant, and Director, Creative Services Limited. Email:

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